Shimla: Amid adverse weather conditions in Himachal Pradesh, the Lahaul and Spiti police have issued an advisory urging caution. They have warned against venturing near the Chandra river due to increased water flow after an avalanche incident on Tuesday. Additionally, residents are advised to steer clear of steep slopes and remain vigilant in snowy areas.
The obstruction caused by an avalanche has been cleared, leading to a rise in the water level of the Chandra river. To ensure safety, people are instructed to avoid the riverbanks. Commuters are also urged to exercise caution while traversing snowy terrain due to the heightened risk of avalanches in Lahaul and Spiti district.
The closure of 112 roads, including three national highways, has been necessitated by the adverse weather conditions. Particularly, 107 roads are inaccessible in tribal Lahaul and Spiti district.
While light snowfall has been reported in isolated higher regions and tribal areas, intermittent rains have affected mid and low altitude hills over the past 24 hours. Notably, Hansa and Koksar in Lahaul and Spiti have recorded 5 cm and 2 cm of snow, respectively. Rainfall measurements show Kothi topping the list with 63 mm, followed by Chamba with 41 mm, and Manali with 35 mm.
The Meteorological Centre in Shimla has issued an orange alert for thunderstorms, lightning, hail, and gusty winds, expected to hit isolated areas on Friday. This alert coincides with an incoming western disturbance forecasted to impact northwest India from Thursday onwards.
The wet spell in Himachal Pradesh is expected to persist until April 21, with Wednesday being the exception. Despite the ongoing weather fluctuations, there has been no significant change in minimum temperatures.
In preparation for any road-related emergencies, the police have provided two contact numbers: 9459461355 and 8988092298.