How Skimo Pro Access Works

Apply and Get Verified:

Select your professional category.

Complete a quick application and submit the necessary documentation to verify your role.

Unlock Your Access:

Once approved, start exploring your exclusive benefits – from discounts to rewards and brand connections.

You will be required to upload details of your professional status or athletic credentials.

Depending on your selection of professional category, the docs could include proof of employment, pay stubs, client contract or existing sponshorhip details.

Why join the SPA Program?

Gear-Up Like Never Before

Pro Deals

Get exclusive discounts on outdoor gear from large number of brands.

Every sale you drive rewards you

Share and Earn

With your personalized affiliate link, share your favorite gear with your network and earn points toward future purchases.

Sponsorships, Marketing, and Funding Opportunities

Unlock Links with Brands

We bridge the gap between you and top brands, facilitating comprehensive sponsorships, innovative marketing campaigns, and access to grants and funding opportunities.